A Blog Post... With an Ocean View

It's a cloudy, yucky, stormy day here in Ohio.

Indian Beach, Ecola State Park, Oregon

Has me thinking of this view we had last Summer in Oregon at Ecola State Park. The sun was so bright that afternoon you couldn't get around without sunglasses on! (I could barely look through my camera to take pictures because it was so blinding!)

Our entire trip was unforgettable but I will always cherish this bright, sunshiny day we spent at the beach. When we arrived in the morning and had our first ever look at the Pacific Ocean, there was a slight fog laying right at our feet, and the water was too cold to stand in. As the day progressed it turned into this gorgeous, not too hot, perfect day.


Chasing Waterfalls

My adventure partner chasing waterfalls. 

I've been spending a lot of time looking through photos while getting my website running. I stumbled across this photo of my husband, Tucker while hiking in Oregon last summer. I'm so thankful for this wonderful man!